Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Finals Checklist for AN410:

Upcoming Dates:

Monday December 3rd: Final Day of Class! Bring your final project to class for us to view! Below will be a project description for your directed study, and a listing of everything we have worked on this semester so far!

Sunday December 9th @ 12:00 Noon: Final Deadine for updates on any previous assignments.

Directed Study Project Description:

Time Frame:  Second Half of the Semester.

Project Description:  The skill of a 3-D artist lies is one's ability to create purposeful 3-D content that satisfies the goals of the individual artist and the individual artwork in tandem. 3-D CGI is both a means to an end and a step in the process of larger projects.  Your directed study is a chance to develop your own artistic process and create a work of art (or works) that fit your specific goals as an artist.

Pick a specialization in the 3-D arts practices we have studied. (Examples: Modeling, lighting, texturing, cinematography, animation, sculpting, rigging, visual effects, etc.)  Develop 3-D content that demonstrates your exploration into this venue.

Come finals time, produce a completed work of art that demonstrates the sum of your experiences. Show us (the class) how this time has benefitted you by speaking about your development process, what you have learned, mistakes that were made, how you fixed those mistakes, and where you want to go next with your 3-D artist abilities.

Find a creative way to showcase the art you have developed. This can be in a series of images, a movie, or something else entirely!

Things to remember:
  • Show it to us from multiple angles! We are making 3-D art afterall, and it is important for the audience to get the complete experience from the art that you have created.
  • Package it professionally!  
  • Do you have an environment? Put two or three renders on a single spread!  
  • Did you model a character or an object? give us multiple angles!
  • Remember to mark down important construction information! (Poly Count is important!)
  • Do you want to use your art for a game or a movie? Pose your character!  Make it move!
  • Do you want to make advertisements or spreads? Build a description for your scene!
  • Some examples below of ways to showcase your art:

Artstation has a lot of artists that specialize in 3D arts with professoinal portfolios that demonstrate layout.
Sketchfab is an interactive website that allows users to display their projects in 3 dimensions.
A forum post that links to a bunch of overwatch character turnarounds.
Dead End Thrills is an art gallery of curated screenshots from video games.
Some general notes on building a 3-D gaming portfolio
A great example of a developed 3-D portfolio for clients.


Make sure, no matter what you do, that a copy of everything can be saved and showcased on the computer! The layout for the first half of the semester is the same. For the second however, you will make a folder called "DirectedStudy" that contains a number of sub folders. See below:

On the server, in the Classes —> AN410 section, create a folder with your first and last name.  Create a week for each folder.  You should submit animated videos of your assignments labeled as such. Any final models created in Mudbox can be submitted via “File—> export screen to PSD”  In Maya, when exporting renders, be sure to check “save color-managed image” from the “save render” window.

Folder List: Week 1, Week 2, Week 3, Week 4, Week 5, Week 6(this week), Project Folders, Directed Study, Portfolio

Week 1: (making objects in mud box. We built a simple fruit or veggie in class. You went further with the HW.)

Week 2: Building character faces in mud box. Revised objects from the first week of class.

Week 3: (submit an image render of this along with your project files! more info below.)
lastname_p3_finalheadrender (created with file —> export screen to PSD)
(note, submit 7 images: front, side, 3/4 front, 3/4 back, back, from above, and below. Label them with the suffix “1,” “2,” etc.)

Week 4: (Built a scene in maya and incorporated mud box models. Incorporated texturing methods from mud box and maya together including normal maps, displacement maps, and ambient occlusion.) Submit renders from at least 3 angles.

Week 5: Built a new scene, and incorporated proper UV layouts and textures into your scene. Render from three perspectives.
Note: Include snapshots (command + shift + 4) of any UV maps you have created for your textures!
SubFolder inside Week5: UVmaps (should contain screenshots of each uv map.)

Week 6: (make a playblast of your character action scene.)

ProjectFolders(from before midterms): (include project folders and files from your final character face, and you final maya environment scene here.)
Be sure to keep any project files you submit organized for viewing! Name components, textures, image packages, and any components you create in your project files! I should see a proper project folder setup here!

MAIN FOLDER ---> Directed Study: (Your directed study materials should be divided among these 7 folders. I will grade each individually as part of your project, as each covers a different stage in development of your project!

Subfolder: "research"
Place all research materials you compiled in preparation for your directed study here. If part of your research included websites, make an ORGANIZED list of websites in a word file, name and date it, and place it in this folder. Arrange any images or videos you have otherwise.

SubFolder: "project files"
Place your project files here.  Make sure you optimize your files so they can be opened, and make sure ALL TEXTURES or LIGHTS are accounted for! I should be able to open your project and have access to all of your files and the like without needing to reconnect anything!

SubFolder: "renders"
Place rendered images or video of your project here. These are NOT play blasts, but full renders! Make sure you check your settings so we get full resolution, 1920x1080 images! Remember that we need multiple images from multiple points of view! No haphazard angles! Your choices matter and remember that this is part of the art that will be on display next semester!

SubFolder: "presentation materials"
Take the final artwork you have developed and create some type of package for us to view our professional work. If you are uploading it to a website, screenshot the images and layout from the website and place them here. Otherwise, any images created, documents printed, or examples produced will go here. Make sure these are also high-resolution.

SubFolder: "process"
Build either a video or series of images that documents the process of your project. Show us in images and/or video what you did to create your project! (This part is a key in any portfolio you make!)

SubFolder: "additional notes"
Write a short outline of things you have learned while working on this project. focus on mistakes made, how you fixed them, and what you would do next. This is a reminder for you, as well as a short list of notes for me to keep as well!

SubFolder: "extra credit" (Equivalent to 1/3 of a letter grade, or the difference between a C+ and a B-, or a B and a B+)
Any additional 3-D artwork you have created in your spare time can go in this folder. Include a document that describes what you were creating, how you tried to create it, and what you would do differently next time.

Finals grading will be determined by the following:

1: Organization of content and files. (Name everything!)
2: Surface Development: Clear silhouettes, avoidance of triangulation, efficiently designed models
3: Texturing Quality and Craftsmanship: Creation of well-designed UV maps on necessary models, textures that supplement the models crafted with minimal detection of seams.
4: Lighting Quality: Proper use of lighting to present models with respects to three dimensions. Use of cinematic or realistic lighting is carefully crafted, with necessary shadows.
5: For your playblasts(animation project before midterms):  Clarity of action, believable movement, proper timing and staging.
6: Directed study documentation: Proper categorization of research materials.
7: Directed study final project (where elements apply): 

  • Quality of lighting, 
  • texturing, 
  • modeling, 
  • animation, 
  • cinematography, 
  • edgeflow, 
  • polycount, 
  • and overall look of final creation.

8: FINAL PROJECT: Your presentation package for Monday! Keep it simple, and showcase your art the best way you can!


In practicing: Quantity over quality: Make a lot of small things to build your skills! Spend longer times on bigger projects, but give yourself specific timelines so you can constantly create new projects!

In portfolio: QUALITY over QUANTITY! The point of any 3-D artist portfolio is to demonstrate that you understand the fundamentals needed to produce high-level art.  One amazing 30-second sequence is better than a terrible few minutes!   A really high quality model of an object or environment from a few different angles is better than lots of environments with questionable texturing.

Whether you are looking for industry positions or are more into conceptual development, focus on getting great at the specific skills you need most! 3-D is a huge avenue, and you do not need to know everything to become great at your specific skill set!

Job and Internship Search: Be specific about what you are looking to do! Want to work as a texture artist? Build a portfolio that centers around excellent texturing! Want to be a lighting artist? Practice lighting simple scenes!

Monday, October 22, 2018

Class Cancelled Today

Hey Everyone,

Classes are cancelled today because I I messed up and got unexpectedly sick.  I was so excited to see what everyone was working on too! :(  

On the bright side, each of you already has a project you are working on.

AN200: Refining your environments for their character turnarounds.
AN410: Developing assets for your directed study.
AN325: Using the process we discussed to develop sequences of your film.

While things are a little unorthodox today, drop items on the class server or email short video clips or screenshots to me for any questions you may have. When I'm awake, I'll send you feedback. For any other questions, feel free to contact me. We'll return to our regularly scheduled classes on Wednesday.


Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Expedited Notes: Constraints vs Parenting

(getting objects to follow the actions of other objects)

  • Simple Parenting: Click child object, shift select parent object.
    • Either press “P” or 
    • middle mouse drag one object into the other in your Outliner Window.
  • Constraints Summary:
    • 1. Create 3 Locators (create —> Locator)
      • Place them in close proximity, either by duplicating or moving into place.
      • Names:
        • Object Locator (cup, sword, etc.)
        • Hand Locator
        • Surface locator (table, floor, etc.)
      • 2. Constrain the Object locator to the object.
        • Select the Object locator, then the object you want your character to hold.
        • Animation Menu —> Constrain —> Parent ()
          • Make sure translate and scale is checked.
          • Weight 1.
      • 3. Parent the hand locator to the wrist joint control. 
        • click locator first, then click the joint. Hit p.
      • 4. Check the locator: There should be a parent constraint node in your box. Remember these settings:
        • Locator W(weight) setting: 0 = off. 1 = on.
      • 5. Constrain the object locator to the hand locator.
        • Object is clicked first so it becomes the parent.
      • 6. (optional but recommended if your character lets go of the object:) Constrain the surface locator to the object locator as well.
      • 7.  Animate in channel box! Note, will not show up in timeline as red ticks unless right clicking and selecting “Display key ticks —> Channel Box!”
        • on frame before grab: key Hand Locator and surface locator at 0.
        • Frame of grab: Key Hand Locator at 1.
        • Frame of release: Key hand Locator at 0 and Surface locator at 1.
        • Go back and animate the translate and rotation of your surface locator so it drops into place.

Notes: Constraints and Parenting

Constraints tutorial:

Constraints are used for advanced manipulation of objects when animating characters.
  • good for picking up and putting down objects.
  • good for grabbing multiple objects in a short time without needing to animate the object itself.

Constraints Tutorial:
We  are building a switch we can turn on and off within 2 frames to make objects stick and unstick from other objects. Frame before, turn off current setting. Frame after, turn on opposite setting.
  • Create —> Locator (create two or three of them.)
    • Position in middle of object.
    • Duplicate and make 1 more. Control D
      • Name: hand_locator
      • Name: object_locator
      • can make one extra one for the floor of your world if you plan to have your object get released, or whatever surface the object rests on when not in use. (Name: floor_locator) This locator will have it's translate controls animated so the object can be dropped in the same position. (See: One Step Further)
  • Make the object_locator the leader to everything else.

Constraints vs. parenting:  You can KEY the relationships of constraints in your channel box. Parenting can’t be changed once set without breaking everything.

For this method, we use both: constraints and parenting. (you can use parenting inside constraints)

  • select object_loc
  • shift select object mesh.
  • Animation MENU: Constraint —> Parent.
    • parent constraining gives you control of rotation, translation, scale.
    • check translate_All
    • check Rotate_All
    • weight: 1. (this will change whether or not the constraint works.)
    • In channel box, everything is now blue for object. 
    • Now, when I select locator, object moves.
  • Q&A: In parenting VS constraints, what you select is important. You click parents first when establishing constraints.  When you do simple parenting instead, the child is selected first.
    • Why? Constraints —> Parent establishes child relationships in menus.
    • Simple Parenting: Child object is given a parent to follow from your outliner.
  • Make the HAND locator follow hand.
    • go to frame that switch will occur. Select hand_lc, and then shift-select wrist control.
    • Create standard parent by hitting “p”.
  • Make Hand locator be a leader of object locator. That way I can turn off the relationship when I don’t want it. 
    • Hand_Loc selected. shift-click cup locator to select it too.
    • go to frame where you want switch to occur.
    • Constraints —> Parent. (settings should be same as before, but if not, remake them.)
  • Go to Hand_Loc_weight channel in channel box.
    • Key it:  When set to 0, the object is not attached to hand.
    • When set to 1, the object is attached.
  • Procedure for keying. (0 off, 1 on.)
    • go to the frame before contact.
    • Key “0” under weight.
    • go to the frame after:
    • Key “1” instead.
      • Note: If the number fluctuates when playing back, check and make sure these tangents are set to LINEAR to avoid any splines.

NEXT LEVEL (1 step further)
  • constrain the SURFACE_loc (floor, table, etc) to object_loc as well.
    • Note: be aware that you will now have two channels for locators. If both are set to 1, they both affect the object at the same time. 50/50 influence over your grabbable object.
      • Same process for keying the object down. This way, you can lock in an object to a surface to keep it from moving if it needs to be set back down in the same position.
        • Surface locator 0 at first.
        • Set locator to 1 on setting when you want it to sit back on table.
        • EVEN FURTHER: can animate surface locator position so I can affect how the object touches the ground after grabbing. I can make it follow anything i want.
        • Animation workflow:
          • hand_loc = 0
          • hand_loc = 1
          • hand_loc = 0, surface_loc = 1 (if I want to give control of object to anything else, or put the object on the ground.
          • (optional) animate the translation of that surface locator so when you let go of the object, it drops down wherever you want it to go.
          • This way, we don’t have to animate the object locator. We 
          • NOTE:  If you keyframe object to character’s hand, the action is much less_intuitive.  This is why we do it with locators instead. easier for more complex action.

  • click the object, click the child.
  • Constraints -> Parent.
  • Make sure translate, rotate, scale are selected.
  • Weight 1 to start. (can be 0 in the future.)
  • Other Locator should be for the wrist.
  • Simple parent hand locator to wrist.
  • Make hand locator a constraint parent to object.
    • Hierarchy:
      • Wrist control from rig
      • hand locator (simple child of wrist)
        • weight of 1: turn on grab.
        • weight of 0: turn off grab.
      • Object locator (constrained child of hand)

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Midterms Checklist For AN410

Upcoming Dates:

Monday, October 1st: Bring to class your progress on this small animated scene! Look through the list of character rigs I have provided for you and pick (1) one to build a character animation sequence during midterms next week! There are a lot of different rigs with different levels of skill and detail in them. The big goal for each of you is to develop your ability to convey believable movement, action, and performance.  Come to class with sketches and thumbnails based on an animated sequence no longer than 8-12 seconds.

Friday, October 5, 2018: Turn-In for midterms assignments. (All assignments due before 5:00 PM. Key Animation for your walk cycle with personality should be completed by this date!)

On the server, in the Classes —> AN410 section, create a folder with your first and last name.  Create a week for each folder.  You should submit animated videos of your assignments labeled as such. Any final models created in Mudbox can be submitted via “File—> export screen to PSD”  In Maya, when exporting renders, be sure to check “save color-managed image” from the “save render” window.

Folder List: Week 1, Week 2, Week 3, Week 4, Week 5, Week 6(this week), Project Folders

Week 1: (making objects in mud box. We built a simple fruit or veggie in class. You went further with the HW.)

Week 2: Building character faces in mud box. Revised objects from the first week of class.

Week 3: (submit an image render of this along with your project files! more info below.)
lastname_p3_finalheadrender (created with file —> export screen to PSD)
(note, submit 7 images: front, side, 3/4 front, 3/4 back, back, from above, and below. Label them with the suffix “1,” “2,” etc.)

Week 4: (Built a scene in maya and incorporated mud box models. Incorporated texturing methods from mud box and maya together including normal maps, displacement maps, and ambient occlusion.) Submit renders from at least 3 angles.

Week 5: Built a new scene, and incorporated proper UV layouts and textures into your scene. Render from three perspectives.
Note: Include snapshots (command + shift + 4) of any UV maps you have created for your textures!
SubFolder inside Week5: UVmaps (should contain screenshots of each uv map.)

Week 6: (make a playblast of your character action scene.)

ProjectFolders: (include project folders and files from your final character face, and you final maya environment scene here.)
Be sure to keep any project files you submit organized for viewing! Name components, textures, image packages, and any components you create in your project files! Midterm grading will be determined by the following:

1: Organization of content and files. (Name everything!)
2: Surface Development: Clear silhouettes, avoidance of triangulation, efficiently designed models
3: Texturing Quality and Craftsmanship: Creation of well-designed UV maps on necessary models, textures that supplement the models crafted with minimal detection of seams.
4: Lighting Quality: Proper use of lighting to present models with respects to three dimensions. Use of cinematic or realistic lighting is carefully crafted, with necessary shadows.
5: For your playblast:  Clarity of action, believable movement, proper timing and staging.

Monday, September 24, 2018

Animation Notes (ongoing)

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Homework for September 10th:

Okay class -- we have learned a lot with respects to texturing and modeling!  Your homework for this weekend is to build a scene. (read a scene, not just a single model) using the skills we have learned!

Below are a couple of methods you can approach this assignment:

  • Build a scene in Maya, and incorporate a model or two you have created and modeled in Mudbox.
  • Build a bunch of objects and texture them in mudbox.
  • Build a detailed object in Mudbox and texture it in Maya.
  • Build an object in Maya, texture it in Mudbox, and then apply those textures in Maya.
For this assignment, bring your project to class! We will discuss lighting methods in Arnold and Mental Ray next week, as well as ambient occlusion! Contact me if you have any questions!

Next week, I will ask begin asking you to submit files and renders of your projects!  Keep a copy of your project files and bring them to class!