(getting objects to follow the actions of other objects)
- Simple Parenting: Click child object, shift select parent object.
- Either press “P” or
- middle mouse drag one object into the other in your Outliner Window.
- Constraints Summary:
- 1. Create 3 Locators (create —> Locator)
- Place them in close proximity, either by duplicating or moving into place.
- Names:
- Object Locator (cup, sword, etc.)
- Hand Locator
- Surface locator (table, floor, etc.)
- 2. Constrain the Object locator to the object.
- Select the Object locator, then the object you want your character to hold.
- Animation Menu —> Constrain —> Parent ()
- Make sure translate and scale is checked.
- Weight 1.
- 3. Parent the hand locator to the wrist joint control.
- click locator first, then click the joint. Hit p.
- 4. Check the locator: There should be a parent constraint node in your box. Remember these settings:
- Locator W(weight) setting: 0 = off. 1 = on.
- 5. Constrain the object locator to the hand locator.
- Object is clicked first so it becomes the parent.
- 6. (optional but recommended if your character lets go of the object:) Constrain the surface locator to the object locator as well.
- 7. Animate in channel box! Note, will not show up in timeline as red ticks unless right clicking and selecting “Display key ticks —> Channel Box!”
- on frame before grab: key Hand Locator and surface locator at 0.
- Frame of grab: Key Hand Locator at 1.
- Frame of release: Key hand Locator at 0 and Surface locator at 1.
- Go back and animate the translate and rotation of your surface locator so it drops into place.
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