Upcoming Dates:
Monday, October 1st: Bring to class your progress on this small animated scene! Look through the list of character rigs I have provided for you and pick (1) one to build a character animation sequence during midterms next week! There are a lot of different rigs with different levels of skill and detail in them. The big goal for each of you is to develop your ability to convey believable movement, action, and performance. Come to class with sketches and thumbnails based on an animated sequence no longer than 8-12 seconds.
Friday, October 5, 2018: Turn-In for midterms assignments. (All assignments due before 5:00 PM. Key Animation for your walk cycle with personality should be completed by this date!)
On the server, in the Classes —> AN410 section, create a folder with your first and last name. Create a week for each folder. You should submit animated videos of your assignments labeled as such. Any final models created in Mudbox can be submitted via “File—> export screen to PSD” In Maya, when exporting renders, be sure to check “save color-managed image” from the “save render” window.
Folder List: Week 1, Week 2, Week 3, Week 4, Week 5, Week 6(this week), Project Folders
Week 1: (making objects in mud box. We built a simple fruit or veggie in class. You went further with the HW.)
Week 2: Building character faces in mud box. Revised objects from the first week of class.
Week 3: (submit an image render of this along with your project files! more info below.)
lastname_p3_finalheadrender (created with file —> export screen to PSD)
(note, submit 7 images: front, side, 3/4 front, 3/4 back, back, from above, and below. Label them with the suffix “1,” “2,” etc.)
Week 4: (Built a scene in maya and incorporated mud box models. Incorporated texturing methods from mud box and maya together including normal maps, displacement maps, and ambient occlusion.) Submit renders from at least 3 angles.
Week 5: Built a new scene, and incorporated proper UV layouts and textures into your scene. Render from three perspectives.
Note: Include snapshots (command + shift + 4) of any UV maps you have created for your textures!
SubFolder inside Week5: UVmaps (should contain screenshots of each uv map.)
Week 6: (make a playblast of your character action scene.)
ProjectFolders: (include project folders and files from your final character face, and you final maya environment scene here.)
Be sure to keep any project files you submit organized for viewing! Name components, textures, image packages, and any components you create in your project files! Midterm grading will be determined by the following:
1: Organization of content and files. (Name everything!)
2: Surface Development: Clear silhouettes, avoidance of triangulation, efficiently designed models
3: Texturing Quality and Craftsmanship: Creation of well-designed UV maps on necessary models, textures that supplement the models crafted with minimal detection of seams.
4: Lighting Quality: Proper use of lighting to present models with respects to three dimensions. Use of cinematic or realistic lighting is carefully crafted, with necessary shadows.
5: For your playblast: Clarity of action, believable movement, proper timing and staging.